Tweak by Nic Sheff

Sheff, N. (2007). Tweak. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers. ISBN 9781416913627


Plot Summary 
This is an autobiographical account of Nic Sheff's battle with addiction and the lengths that it took him too.  He drank and smoked marijuana at a young age, but when his marijuana habit raised red flags by his teachers in high school, his father became worried.  Soon, what was seen as a phase devolved into full blown addiction.  Sheff learned to shoot heroin by looking at diagrams on the internet, and his search for drugs led him to run away, roam the streets, prostitute himself, sell drugs, and eat from dumpsters.  He would occasionally wander into his father's life, mainly to steal from him.  Finally, he sought help, got clean for 18 months, but relapsed when his father was stricken with a sudden illness.  Again, he fought to get free from drugs as the result of an ultimatum from his father.  The book ends with him completing rehab again, having some sense of peace, but acknowledging he is not free from his demons.

Critical Evaluation 
Tweak is bleak, particularly because of its frequently detached, matter-of-fact storytelling.  Sheff may have only been able to write about some of his experiences this way, but it is painful and it should be.  This book is a far better cautionary tale than something like Go Ask Alice, as its authenticity is hard to dispute and the reader is engaged to see how this "character" who is obviously the author, turns his life around.

Reader's Annotation 
When one drug leads to another, Nic Sheff falls deeper down a dark path of addiction that he must somehow find a way to overcome.

Author Information 
Nic Sheff grew up in Northern California with his father.  He was an excellent student and athlete until his addictions got the better of him.  He is clean now, and living each day in recovery.

Biography, autobiography.

Curriculum Ties 
Health, Reading and Language Arts

Booktalking Ideas 
Speak as Nic during an average day in recovery, what goes through his head, perhaps having a recollection of his past and how it juxtaposes with his current life.

Reading Level/Interest Age 
Tweak ranks a HL770L on the Lexile Range, and would be of interest to teens of all ages dealing with addiction or curious about its affects.

Challenge Issues 
Addiction, drug and alchohol abuse, sex, prostitution, and profanity are all addressed.

If challenged, I would first suggest being familiar with the work in order to speak about it directly. Then, listen the challenger's complaint, show them to positive reviews, and refer to the collection policy, stating a need to include a variety of works that may not be suitable for all, but should contain something for everyone. As a last resort, turn to the ALA Bill of Rights or First Amendment defense, but try not to let things get there; listen and reassure the patron.

Reason Selected
In an attempt to expand the non-fiction component of this library, I selected Tweak as it was written by a young adult with very real problems that some may find relevant.

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